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Our last visiting lecture entitled 'Characterizing and targeting chromatin-associated vulnerabilities in acute lymphoblastic leukemia' will be delivered by professor Prof. Panos Ntziachristos from Ghent University on 14th November 2023.

Another ESR meeting took place in Ghent in time period of 19-20 October 2023. A group of young researchers developed during this event professional skills crucial for their scientific careers. They learned how to navigate the grant writing process, how to prepare a successful application, and how to win a grant. The event supported also participants’ soft skills related to stress handling and asking for help.

Lecture entitled 'Genome-wide in vivo screens link regulatory principles and phenotype evolution in T cell leukemia' by Anja Fischer, Ph.D. from Ulm University will take place on October 17th 2023.

This year's event, titled "Hodgkin lymphoma - the great teacher' proposes the tried-and-true formula of three topics aimed at different audiences: school students, teachers, patients, specialists, researchers. Speakers at the event will be distinguished hematooncologists: Prof. Jan Maciej Zaucha from the Medical University of Gdansk and Prof. Ralf Küppers from University of Duisburg-Essen.
Hematology Day takes place on 10th October. All lectures will be streamed online.
The full program of the event and registration is available at our website.

Last workshop within NEXT_LEVEL project entitled 'Advanced Imaging of Biological Samples' is organized in Institute of Human Genetics PAS in time period of September 11 - 15, 2023.
During the Workshops organized by the Institute of Human Genetics PAS, participants will have the opportunity to learn about principles of advanced biological sample molecular imaging using both confocal microscopes and cutting-edge spatial transcriptomics approach.

Lecture entitled 'Mortal Kombat: fighting MYC in hematologic malignancies' by prof. Agnieszka Dzikiewicz- Krawczyk from IHG PAS took place on June 6, 2023.
Recruitment to the project activities has launched. It includes application to the following activities: workshops, ESR meeting, study visits, three-month training stays and incoming staff exchange. Details on website.

Lecture entitled ‘Deciphering clonal dynamics in acute myeloid leukemia in the context of the immune microenvironment’ by prof. Jan Jacob Schuuringa from UMCG took place on February 21, 2023.

Prof. Panos Ntziachristos took over the task of running the NEXT_LEVEL project at Ghent University.
Prof. Ntziachristos is a CRIG group leader, works at Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University. His research program comprises related inquiries regarding post-translational and epigenetic aspects of leukemia biology and how they control drug resistance.
More recently, he has focused on deubiquitination and the effect of the process on large biochemical complexes, such as the splicing machinery.
On 30 December 2022 Professor Pieter Van Vlierberghe – NEXT_LEVEL project PI from Ghent University passed away at the age of only 42 years. With his much too early death, the scientific community not only lost an outstanding researcher and internationally leading expert in the molecular biology of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but also an enthusiastic teacher and impressive personality. We are deeply moved by this loss. Goodbye our friend…

The second Hematology Day dedicated to CAR-T therapy in hematologic neoplasms will take place on November 15th at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS and online. Registration for the event in OPEN.

The First Early Stage Researchers meeting will take place at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS in the time period of 17 - 18 October 2022.
The program of the meeting includes two workshops on:
- Scienfic communication
- Scientist’s personal branding on social media

Institute of Human Genetics, Ulm University is organizing in time period of 27th June - 1st July workshop entitled 'Methylation analyses using 450K and EPIC Illumina arrays'.

'DNA bisulfite pyrosequencing – from whole genome to targeted gene methylation analysis' workshop takes place at the Institute of Human Genetics PAS in time period 6 - 9 June 2022. During a 5-day wet lab workshop, participants will have the opportunity to learn this technique step by step, starting with designing assays, data analysis and interpretation of results. We will particularly focus on three pyrosequencing applications (I) genotyping, (II) DNA methylation analysis and (III) cfDNA methylation analysis / working with low DNA concentrations.

Lecture entitled ‘Genomics and Epigenomics of T-PLL’ by prof. Reiner Siebert from Ulm University will take place on May 31, 2022.

Lecture entitled 'Multi-omics analysis in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: in search for biological mechanisms and clinical meaning' by prof. Małgorzata Dawidowska, IHG PAS will take place on April 26th, 2022.

Soft Skills Seminar entitled 'Storytelling' will be organized on 11 April and 18 May at 9.00-12.00 a.m. online. The workshops will be available for participants from all project partners.
Four principal investigators of the Institute of Human Genetics PAS were visiting Ghent University in time period of 11 - 25 March 2022 for management-related training. The Programme of the visit included the following topics: soft skills important for successful leadership, how to improve the visibility of research through ORCID, how to improve grant and publication writing strategies, funding opportunities from the European Union’s funds.

Staff exchange week will be organized in time period of 28th March - 1st April 2022 in the Institute of Human Genetics PAS to host incoming PhD students from UGENT, UMCG and UULM.

Lecture entitled ‘Unique features of chromosomal unstable cancer’ by prof. Prof. Floris Foijer from University Medical Center Groningen will take place on March 1st, 2022.

Management Board Meeting took place on 14th February 2022. Partners summed up the first year of the project implementation.
Despite the difficulties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to accomplish most of the tasks scheduled in the project for 2021.

Recruitment to the project activities has launched. It includes application to the following activities: workshops, short study visits, three-month training stays, ESR meeting, and incoming staff exchange. Details on website.

The Soft Skills Seminar regarding Intellectual Property Rights in research institutions will take place on 1st February 2022.

One-day transferable skills workshop for ESR will take place on 10th December 2021. The training is offered for Early Stage Reseachers (R1) from IHG PAS. The aim of the training is to develop project management skills of young researchers more

Workshop 'BioIT analysis of RNA, ATAC and ChIP sequencing datasets' will take place.
Place: Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Duration: November 30th – December 3rd 2021 (Projected)

Soft skills seminar entitled 'Entrepreneurship' will take place on 18th November 2021. In this workshop we discuss why entrepreneurship can be seen as a method of creating and delivering value, share inspiring cases and stories and develop a vision of how it can be used by the participants of the workshop in their career.

Lecture entitled 'Modeling mantle cell lymphoma in mice and therapeutic targeting of its cell-of-origin' by Tim Pieters, PhD, Ghent University took place.

The first Hematology Day - dissemination event of research in the field of hemato-oncology will be held on October 28, 2021. Join us on-site or online! Registration is open!

Recruitment to the project activities has launched. It includes application to the following activities: workshop held in UGENT, short study visits, three-month training stays, and incoming to IHG PAS exchange. Details on website.

With the aim to transfer knowledge and expertise between partners in NEXT_LEVELProject, the first workshop is organized by the University Medical Center Groningen (The Netherlands). The workshop is focused on the AGO2-immunoprecipitation (AGO2-IP) procedure and data analysis. AGO2-IP followed by microarray or next-generation sequencing detection of RNAs is an excellent tool to unravel the whole spectrum of transcripts targeted by miRNAs.

Lecture entitled 'Multi-OMICS analysis in MYC-translocated leukemias and lymphomas: from B-cell development to biomarkers' took place.

Recruitment to the project activities has launched. It includes application to the following activities: workshop held in UMCG, short study visits, and incoming to IHG PAS exchange. Details on website.

The Soft Skills Seminar entitled ‘Experiments with the use of laboratory animals - is it so difficult? Practical, ethical and legal aspects of working with laboratory animals’ will be organized on 20th April 2021

The lecture entitled 'Unusual expression pattern of the negative NF-ĸB regulator miR-181a and its role in classical Hodgkin lymphoma' took place. The lecture was delivered by professor Maciej Giefing from the Department of Cancer Genetics of IHG PAS. The Lecture covered issues such as: classification of lymphomas, genetics of lymphomas,alterations observed in cHL, subtypes of DLBCL, miR-181a in activated B-cell like DLBCL, MiRNA expression and other.

New articles on T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children (T-ALL) prepared within project partnership are now available
Every year, on February 4th, the World Cancer Day takes place. It is a global uniting initiative aimed at raising awareness and improving education in the field of cancer.

Lymphoma Research Groningen shares e-learning platform, which offers modules focus on the biology, diagnostics and clinical characteristics of B-cell lymphomas

First visiting lecture (online) within WP2 will take place on 9th February, 2021. Lecturer: professor Arjan Diepstra, UMCG, University of Groningen, title: 'Biology of B-cell lymphoma'
The NEXT_LEVEL project has launched on 1st January 2021!
Incoming Events
November 14, 2023
‘Characterizing and targeting chromatin-associated vulnerabilities in acute lymphoblastic leukemia’
Prof. Panos Ntziachristos, Ghent University
October 19-20, 2023
ESR meeting
Ghent University
October 17, 2023
‘Genome-wide in vivo screens link regulatory principles and phenotype evolution in T cell leukemia’
Anja Fischer, Ph.D., Ulm University
October 10, 2023
Hematology Day 2023
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
September 11 - 15
‘Advanced imaging of biological samples’
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
June 6, 2023
‘Mortal Kombat: fighting MYC in hematologic malignancies’
prof. Agnieszka Dzikiewicz – Krawczyk, Institute of Human Genetics PAS
May 22 - 26, 2023
‘Dynamic BH3 profiling’
University Medical Center Groningen
March - April 2023
February 21, 2023
‘Deciphering clonal dynamics in acute myeloid leukemia in the context of the immune microenvironment’
prof. Jan Jacob Schuuringa, University Medical Center Groningen
December 6, 2022
‘A dual role for PSIP1 in T-ALL’
Lisa Demoen, MSc., Ghent University
November 15, 2022
Hematology Day 2022
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
October 17 - 18,
2022ESR Meeting
‘Scientific Communication’,’ Scientist’s personal branding on social media’
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
September 26 - 29,
‘CRISPR-Cas9, educational and wet lab sessions’
Ghent University
June 6 - July 1,
‘Methylation analyses using the 450K and EPIC Illumina arrays’
Ulm University
June 6 - 9, 2022
‘DNA bisulfite pyrosequencing – from whole genome to targeted gene methylation analysis’
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
May 31, 2022
‘Genomics and Epigenomics of T-PLL’
prof. Reiner Siebert, Ulm University
April 26, 2022
‘Multi-omics analysis in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: in search for biological mechanisms and clinical meaning’
prof. Małgorzata Dawidowska, Institute of Human Genetics PAS
April 11, 2022
Soft Skills Seminar
University Medical Center Groningen
March 28 - April 1
2022Staff Exchange Week
March 1, 2022
‘Unique features of chromosomal unstable cancer’
Prof. Floris Foijer, University Medical Center Groningen
February 14, 2022
Board Meetingonline
January - February
February 1, 2022
Soft skills seminar
‘IPR in research institutions’
Piotr Godlewski, JWP Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys, Agnieszka Rzeźnik, Institute of Human Genetics PAS
December 10, 2021
One-day transferable skills workshop for ESR
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
November 30 -
December 3, 2021Workshop
‘BioIT analysis of RNA, ATAC and ChIP sequencing datasets’
Ghent University
November 18, 2021
Soft skills seminar
Assis. prof. Olga Belousova, University Medical Center Groningen
October 28, 2021
Hematology Day
Institute of Human Genetics PAS
October 26, 2021
‘Modeling mantle cell lymphoma in mice and therapeutic targeting of its cell-of-origin’
Tim Pieters, PhD, Ghent University
August 23 - 27, 2021
‘AGO2-IP procedure and data analysis’,
University Medical Center Groningen
June 8, 2021
Multi-OMICS analysis in MYC-translocated leukemias and lymphomas: from B-cell development to biomarkers
Prof. Reiner Siebert, Ulm University
May - June 2021
Recruitment of participants to project activities
April 20, 2021
Soft skills seminar
‘Experiments with the use of laboratory animals – is it so difficult? Practical, ethical and legal aspects of working with laboratory animals’
Marta Kuczeriszka, PhD, Institute of Human Genetics PAS
March 16, 2021
‘Unusual expression pattern of the negative NF-ĸB regulator miR-181a and its role in classical Hodgkin lymphoma’
Prof. Maciej Giefing, Institute of Human Genetics PAS
February 9, 2021
‘Biology of B-cell lymphoma’
Prof. Arjan Diepstra, University Medical Center Groningen
January 19, 2021
Kick off Meeting
January 1, 2021
Start of the project